
Showing posts from August, 2023

August 23

Weather has been nice this week, but it's still a factor. The high winds, heavy rain, and fog on some days make it tough. But with all that for the most part, the river has remained fishable, and bounces back to normal in a day or two after a bad storm. It would be best to call us if you are planning a day trip.  In my humble opinion, if you can catch trout now, you can catch them anywhere in the world. Boy it is tough out there. Tip of the Day: Buy a small first aid pack for your vest. A couple of band-aids, some antiseptic wipes, aspirin; not too much, just enough to get by. Also, don't store Hershey's chocolate bars in your vest. What our guests are seeing: There is still a lot of moss in the water making fishing underneath almost impossible and on top very difficult. Be very careful when cleaning moss off your sulphurs; you could turn a yellow fly green if you're not careful. The guests are having a hard time trying to figure out the fish. Just when you think you

Upper West Branch River Report
